“After 20 years of working with small businesses to optimize their processes, I established Laulima Process Architect Firm as an alternative to the one-size-fits-all approach of business consulting, where I saw small businesses and nonprofits’ unique needs being overlooked. At Laulima we prioritize individual goals to develop custom solutions. By staying with a client throughout the implementation of solutions, we ensure they are left with something that works.”

Leiha Dulawan
Founder /// Head Process Architect

Are you a small business owner looking to advance? Here are some benefits of working with us.

How we are different…

We Collaborate

When the myriad of business decisions has you feeling isolated and mentally fatigued…

We are your temporary colleagues, dedicated to bringing your objectives to fruition. By integrating your successes and addressing your concerns with our expertise, we collaborate with you to craft bespoke solutions. Everything we develop is purposefully designed for usability within your structure.

We Offer Customized Solutions

Because you’re tired of one-size-fits-all advice…

Your vision becomes our vision. We take pride in producing thorough, top-quality work that aligns with your expectations. Our team actively listens to your ideas and tailors solutions to your unique business goals.

We Integrate Support Seamlessly

You repeat yourself over and over again to different consultants…

With our team, you share your vision once with a dedicated point-of-contact who ensures every facet of our versatile team’s work matches your objective. We have process architects, designers, editors, and specialists on our team.

We’re Transparent

No more unclear billing that leaves you frustrated and draining your wallet…

Our transparent task management portal itemizes every minute worked so you’ll never wonder what you’re paying for. Our hourly rate is tailored to maximize time efficiency.


  • No contracts, no retainers. Hourly pricing offers transparency and adaptability. With weekly check-ins and access to our task management software, you can track where every minute goes, ensuring value without a hefty bill for evolving project needs. For more details explore our Pricing.

  • You set the pace with your budget and availability. At 10 hours of work per week, we expect to be with you for about one year. Discover more about our Process and Services.

  • To kickstart this process, we ask for you to complete three simple tasks. Fill out a personalized questionnaire, solidify commitment with a small startup fee, and agree to the terms. This lays the foundation for Laulima to propel you towards your goals. Contact us to schedule your FREE consultation.